Style of the ncaa tournament
Ba of summer league is the importance of the entertainment is not clearly. Although they function as well as the coaching staff a chance to set new players quick offense and defense, only so much, these teams can be in just a few weeks and roster of draft picks and random invitees. These events and the limited usefulness and interest, almost by definition.
However, the NBA has decided to change the format of the Las Vegas summer league, the largest, the most striking (name of a relative, obviously).
Ric bucher from (through the "grand slam") NBA teams have been notified that the Las Vegas Summer League is
incorporating an NCAA-tournament style bracket that will crown a
definitive champion, sources say, with an incentive beyond bragging
rights to win it all: the winner has their additional expenses for
playing longer covered by the league.
The recompense is an important component because teams are looking at
their line-item expenses more than ever these days and the costs of
having a Summer League team is one of the biggest. One general manager,
speaking on condition of anonymity, said it is the second-biggest item
on his budget, topped only by the cost of preseason training camp.
Teams, on average, bring with them a 40- to 50-person contingent that
includes players, coaches and support staff. The league schedule is held
over 10 days but teams often come in several days early for a
pre-league mini-training camp.